

Saturday, June 21, 2008

All the cool people are doing it.

Typically, if there is something the crowd is doing, you can count me out of it... In fact, you can pretty much plan on me doing the opposite and mocking everyone who is "doing it", whatever that "it" is. However, even though pretty much everyone has a blog like this these days, (who knew it would be the next myspace? Not me!) I have decided that it's not such a bad idea.... In fact, I think I like the idea quite a bit. Normally I don't say things like "quite" or "bit", but hey, It's like 5:30 in the morning and I've been at work for almost 2 hours already now, and I'm not entirely myself. I am also watching Gilmore Girls on my laptop and their quick and witty dialogue is completely inspiring, even at this early hour. Anywho, I better stop babbling. I decided to start this blog about me and Brett because I think it is a much funner (I know that's not a real word) way of keeping track of all of our fun pictures and adventures, and saving them for the future while sharing them with people we know and love. So, there's the reason behind the whole thing.... Take it as it is... Like it or not. As soon as I figure out some technicals I'll give you the insiders on us and our lives together so far...

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