

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bliss, huh?

I recently was perusing an old high school friend's facebook page which boldly emphasized her numerous days of bliss since her recent marriage to her "superfantastic" husband. I hate to single her out because I have seen many since pages with similar notes (some much after the wedding day), but it really got me thinking... I was recently married and the stereotype clearly states there should be "wedded bliss," but I'm just not feeling it. Me and Brett have been married for almost three months and I would describe the major feeling in my life to be something more along the lines of "wedded stress" or maybe "post-marriage anxiety." I have experienced multiple bounced checks, job loss, late payments, major disappointments due to lack of funding for school, decrease in job satisfaction and the loss of a loved one, but no where in my summer so far have I experienced "bliss." Maybe I'm doing things wrong. Maybe it's just the cynic in me saying that these "blissful" people are only as happy as they are pretending... But my life feels empty and weak, a far cry from satisfying, and a long shot away from bliss. I would like to think I'm just being a realist, but I'm probably just ranting. Anyways. Thanks for listening.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Almost Famous.

Dude, we are famous!!

I am still in long awaited anticipation of the rest of these pictures, but Stacey (one of our wedding photographers) posted some of our bridal/groomal pictures on her blog! WOOT! I feel so privileged! If you wanna see them go to:

They are purty.... :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We are still alive!!

So- It has been far too long since I last posted. Here is the laundry list of things that have occured in our lives since January:

-I (Savannah) finally found a car to buy with the money I received from the insurance for my car being totalled. I was so proud of myself because I made the decision to buy it all on my own and it seemed like a really nice, sound car. Apparently my judgement is way off, because I have already spent a few hundred dollars on repairs, and it still has problems.... :-P Guess that will always be the story of my life...

-In 4.25 hours and counting, I will have completed the most obnoxious, horrible, terrifying semester of my life! The last few months have been really difficult with juggling full time school, full time work, and full time wedding planning! :-S After this afternoon my life will be dedicated to full time napping! Oh, wait, I still have a wedding to plan and money to make... Drats.

-Brett finally was able to find a new job and he again is a member of corporate America (this time employed by Target.)

-I got my wisdom teeth out last month and it was awesome! I was dreading getting it done like no other, and I nearly had a panic attack on the drive from Milford to St. George that morning, but it really wasn't too bad! I worked the next night and I felt just fine. Savannah is invincible I tell you, downright invincible.

-Brett finally cleaned his room for the first time since moving into his apartment in August! Woo Hoo!!!

-The wedding plans are slowly coming together.... there is so much still to do, but after today I will have a lot more time to focus on working out the details. I am so excited to be married in less than a month!

-Brett is going to be ordained an Elder this Sunday and our parents are going to meet each other for the first time... that will sure be interesting... :-)

Yeah, So that's pretty much our lives as of right now... It sound so very boring, but I obviously haven't had a spare moment to designate for blogging, so that should say something, right? Oh, and we did our Bridal/Groomal pictures yesterday! It was the perfect day for it! The sun was shining, it was warm, and we even got to share the day with Pocahontas and paintballers. Woot!
Here are some self portraits from the day:

Self portrait of us riding in the back of the jeep after the good pictures all got taken.

Look at this sexy man!

Attitude, attitude (say it with a French accent, it sounds cooler)
Well, peace out all!

Friday, January 16, 2009

What the random?

Oh the joy of a cancelled class. Because my mind is so busy stressing about work tonight, I don't feel like doing homework (which is what I SHOULD be doing), so I'm going to do this survey that was emailed to me awhile back. Woo-hoo!

Place a check next to all the things you have done:

( x) Gone on a blind date
(x) Watched someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been to Europe
( ) Been to South America
( ) Been to Central America
( ) Been to Asia
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Been on a Cruise

( ) Visited All 50 States
(X) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Gone to Washington , DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with coins only
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made a prank phone call...
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose.
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone
(X) Blown bubbles
(X) Gone ice-skating
( ) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(x) Gone to the movies

1. Any nickname? Sav, Savy G, Savy, Sambanna
2. Mother's name? Barbara
3. Favorite drink? Dr. Pepper... it makes the world taste betta, yeah!
4. Body Piercing? Just my ears
5. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love your job? 9.5-- I don't like the stress and some days it's hard as heck, but overall, I think it's amazing. In fact, that makes me think of an amazing quote which I feel the need to add here:

"Somestimes when people ask us, 'How can you do this work?' we think, 'How could we not?' How could we have the ability to contribute to a journey of hope and healing and not use it? There is no other work that we would find this meaningful, challenging, and rewarding. What other work would allow us to engage fully--our minds, our hearts, our spirits? How could we choose not to do something that demands our creativity, all of our intellectual capacity, all of our feelings, our whole humanity?"

Amazing one, huh? That's how I feel about my job.

6. Birthplace? Orem, UT
7. Favorite vacation spot? Anywhere with a freaking beach!
8. Favorite movie? All time fave would probably have to be Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
9. Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
10. Favorite dessert? Cheesecake
11. Favorite food? Chinese!
12. Favorite day of the week? Ones with no school.
13. Favorite brand of body soap? The cheap kind that smells good.
14. Favorite toothpaste? Crest Whitening Expressions in Vanilla Mint. Mmm, mmm.
15. Favorite smell? The subtle smell of the people I love.
16. How do you relax? Listen to music, kiss my lover, do nothing.
17. How do you see yourself in 10 years? As a therapist, a wife, probably a mother.
18. Furthest place you will send this message to? Hmm... cyberspace.... ? haha